Available Datasets

Recently released datasets:

Burkina Faso: PMA Phase 4 Household & Female Survey

Ethiopia: 2023 Cross-sectional Household and Female Survey; and 2023 Cross-sectional Service Delivery Point Survey

Nigeria: PMA Phase 4 Household & Female Survey


Request Datasets

Below is the complete list of all the available datasets


Household & Female Service Delivery Point    
Round 1 (2015) Round 1 (2015)    
Round 2 (2017) Round 2 (2017)    


Household & Female Service Delivery Point Client Exit Interview Other
Phase 1 (2020) Phase 1 (2020) Phase 1 (2020) - Baseline GPS (2020)
    Phase 1 (2021) - Follow-up  
Phase 2 (2021) Phase 2 (2021) Phase 2 (2021) - Baseline  
    Phase 2 (2022) - Follow-up  
Phase 3 (2022) Phase 3 (2022) Phase 3 (2022)  


Household & Female Service Delivery Point   Other
Round 1 (2014) No SDP survey   GPS (2018)
Round 2 (2015) Round 2 (2015)    
Round 3 (2015) Round 3 (2015)    
Round 4 (2016) Round 4 (2016)    
Round 5 (2017) Round 5 (2017)    
Round 6 (2018) Round 6 (2018)    
Round 6 Follow-up (2019) Round 6 Follow-up (2019)